I'm continuing to share some fabulous friends' home tours today.
Rachel, from Maison de Pax, and I have gotten to know each other from co-hosting the Give Me the Goods Monday Link Party, and the Blue Christmas Blog Hop, but I was a fan long before that. She has an incredible eye and is amazingly talented with making things happen. I think the phrase "where there's a will there's a way" was meant for her! Take a peek at her Texas home and hop over to Maison de Pax to see more of her amazing projects,
big and small! Thank you so much, Rachel, for sharing your tour here on Commona My House.
Hey y'all! I'm Rachel from Maison de Pax, and I'm so excited to be here today... Amy is such a doll, and I'm so glad she asked me to visit. Thanks for having me, Amy!
Today I want to share a little mini-tour of our 1940 colonial. When we found her, she was a little worn out, neglected, and wrinkly... but after almost two years, a LOT of elbow grease and DIY, and even more love, she's bright, fresh, and singing again.

Don't get me wrong, we still have a loooooooonnnnnnnng list of projects we'd like to do... but welcome to our work in progress!
Our living room is probably my favorite room in the house. We love to entertain in here, and with the big, empty rug, it doubles as our wrestling ring and dance floor with our 1 and 3 year-old boys.

The playroom (which is really a sun room right off the living room) is definitely a work in progress (who am I kidding? everything is a work in progress!), but you can see my most recent purging and organizational attempts here.
Our dining room is graced by my great-grandmother's furniture. I think it needs a facelift soon, but I do love its gorgeous French shape.
My office is one of my other favorite spaces, especially since I recently painted it, worked on the bookcase trim, and added the gorgeous cowhide my husband gave me for Christmas.
Our powder room was a fun little project, as well. Let's just say that peeling off paint all the way down to the sheetrock and retexturing is NOT a glamorous job.

All our bedrooms are upstairs, and our boys just started sharing a room. One of these days I'll photograph the whole thing, but for now you can catch a glimpse here.

The master is one project that keeps getting put on the back burner, but I do love the gray window I painted in there and the red dresser I refinished for my husband.

His office is tucked away (from the noise we all make!) and adorned by these awesome bookcases he built himself.

The former guest room is going to be made over for Baby Girl (who is due in May... time is flying way too fast!), but it is stacked with things from the attic because as I sit here typing this, my husband is currently laying baseboard in our soon-to-be-finished attic space. The progress is oh-so-exciting.
There's more, but I hope that gives you a taste of our home. I am so thankful that Amy let me come share with you today, and I hope you'll come by to see more of my home tour and my blog!
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Thanks for having me, Amy!
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