Here are my Top Ten "CHECK THESE OUT" links that I've stumbled upon in the past week!

3. Genevieve Gorder for PearTree....I am so excited about these Gen Gorder Wrapping Paper Patterns! How fun for the Holidays...and if they are as cool as I think they are going to be...maybe to frame, use as shelf paper, or use in a million other decor applications?!

6. ON MY WISH/WANT LIST...big time. Gotta have it! Waiting to make my own copy cat. Draper James is Reece Witherspoon's new lifestyle brand and I'm impressed with the fun, Southern Style that she has blossoming at Draper James. Fun sayings, lots of Monogram Options and feminine flair. There is an Old School JCrew Prep before JCrew got weird and unflattering feel, but hefty prices. Ok, I'm looking at it again...I want this bag!!!!
7. Things You Should Make, Not Buy...says the New York Times Food Section. I mostly agree and will be trying to use these recipes more frequently to cut back on processed crapola.
8. Cate Blanchett is listing her Australian Estate and YOWZA...while her interiors read ultra Mod and actually, in my opinion, quite sterile, THE EXTERIOR IS EXQUISITE. Man, what I could do to this house. I'd spruce the interior up to give it more of a Mid-Century Modern/ Frank Lloyd Wright vibe to go along with the exterior magnificence. But what do I know...I just know I don't have $14.75 Million.

9. Thinkin' 'bout it. Sadie Jane is a friend of mine. And she is incredibly inspiring. Fitness...errrr, thinkin' 'bout it.

10. Knock, Knock...who's there? Someone who took a fab children's idea and made it into a product with Land of Nod so all of us can seem cool to our kids. MJ is a friend of mine....hmmm. Lots of creative and inspiring friends around here!

I have been coveting the Draper James "Totes Y'all" tote since I first spied it on Reese's Instagram. WHY must it be so expensive?! I think you're right, a DIY version might be the route to take.