But not all of us can have a cabin in VT or a Hemingway safari to send our hubbies on in order to have them feel like they are one with their surroundings. Whether you have a designated man cave, den or office to devote to masculine style, their are some things that you can incorporate into your existing spaces in order to sort of reel in the femininity of your decor. Even shabby chic furnishings (which is what I would say is a prime example of feminine decor in all of its white washed and floral glory) can be complemented by an antler or two, for example.
I'll be posting Dude Decor ideas throughout 2013, and thought that I'd start today, by highlighting what I think is the best take on the look. It's a little bit old school men's club, a little bit Hemingway, a dash of well traveled, a hint of displaying your (his) character, no-fuss, not too decorated decorating.
My take on masculine decorating is heavily influenced by my dad's library. When I was growing up, I loved going in to my father's library, an enclosed porch turned sanctuary in my parents 1901 Victorian. My dad built floor to ceiling book shelves on 3 out of 4 walls. He had a leather desk chair, antique desk, old fashioned standing globe, civil war muskets, chippendale camelback sofa, framed Revolutionary War era family documents, a record player and of course, his cribbage board.
There is A LOT of Restoration Hardware and Pottery Barn leather-chair-masculine looking furniture out there today. I think the key for me to achieving a cool man vibe is to keep it looking collected over time instead of instant room, EVEN IF your style is modern and streamlined. Need visuals to see what I mean?
Here they are!
The Look: Dude Decor
Dark woods, Clean lines.
Retro coolness.

Well traveled.

Interesting and symbolic Art (Nature, architecture, sports, music, history, alma mater, etc).

Book collections.

A FEW special objects, in this case a silver and horn cup.

Campaign furniture.

And a hint of humor...
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and character.
I was inspired to write this post by my friends Katie and Brett at The Art of Manliness {an EXCELLENT website devoted to the (somewhat) lost art of being a thinking gentleman}, my friends Isaac and Becky Childs who hand craft masculine leather goods (rustico.com) as well as my husband, who is the manliest man I know, and who has a "war room".
Viva la manly man.
Viva la manly man.
LOVE the buffalo print. I think I need it for my family room