Well, if you're at all like me, you could use a bit of motivation to get back on track after the holidays. And one of my New Year's resolutions is to be more organized in several aspects of my life. So I was trolling the internet, looking for charts and organizational tips to sort of launch me into being on top of things this year.
I started with FLYLADY. She has a fabulous website to teach you step by step how to become more efficient at house keeping. Her site can be overwhelming to me, defeating the purpose, because when I am overwhelmed, I just might walk away. SO, I've navigated around her site and found that the best place for me to start was
HERE and
HERE. Her whole premise is that you can master the art of decluttering and cleaning, doing it in the least amount of time, and enjoy it. It is an every day effort and I think it is the solution to my organizational goals for 2013. She has terms like ZONES and THE 27 FLING BOOGIE- but once you get the gist of what she's talking about it REALLY MAKES SENSE. She has the tips and tools to help make new housekeeping habits stick.
And I think I am lost without charts. Last year I so often felt like I was just running from things day to day. I frequently even said to friends, "I'm just doing day to day, I'll get back to you" whenever I tried to schedule anything. Well, NO MORE! I will conquer the art of schedules, chores and the like. I now have CHARTS. I need 'um. You may, too. I thought I'd share what I've found! I couldn't narrow it down, so I chose my favorite options and thought it would be fun for you to see if any of them would work for you or give you a starting point to create your own.
So, here is your first Freebie Friday of 2013! A gift you can use all year! Chose one or two or three that may get your year off on the right foot.
2013 Month by Month Printable Calendar from TomKat Studio |
Weekly Family Calendar from TomKat Studio |
Katie Brown's Cleaning Chart (as if she cleans her house herself). |
Clean House Flow Chart |
Example of Deep Cleaning Schedule |
Little Ones Chore Chart from The Handmade Home |
Manners Chart from The Handmade Home |
Potty Chart from Pure+Lovely |
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