There were a lot of "OH NO"s last night for me. One being Anna's curious delivery (in person) to Gillingham's residence and to Piccadilly. How did she know the exact spot where Green died? And why were Green's final words, "Why have you come"? All of this has me a bit bothered.
I also did an "OH NO", when Tony didn't take too kindly to Mary's farewell.
Everyone: "OH NO"!
*For my third "OH NO", see below.

I think it is really interesting this season, that there is a full arc with the Crawley women.
Each one, Violet, Isobel, Cora, Mary, Edith, Rose (and Crawley women figuratively such as Daisy, Miss Bunting, perhaps Anna) ...has a story line which involves being a more liberated woman regarding her relationships. {Correlating with the movement happening at that time with women's rights, suffrage, clothing styles...all across the board (and Miss Bunting is quite symbolic) women are being assertive and independent...and learning how to express this new found voice of living in the 20th Century).
Violet and Karagin.
Isobel and Lord Merton.
Cora and Mr. Bricker.
Mary and Tony...and Charles.
Edith and Gregson.
Rose and her future husband...and how she begs Shrimpy to not force her into a marriage of convenience. That she will only marry for love.
OK, enough of the plot...all I am going to say is that there are so many parallels that it has me wanting another hour each episode. I mean Violet and Karagin.... are Cora and Bricker...I have to stop...I'll give too much away. In case you haven't seen Episode 4, head over here!

Alright, now for my Downton Decor Observations!
First off, yes, there was a Renaissance Painter named Piero della Francesca. {In case you missed that in your Freshman Art History Seminar and were wondering}.
I especially liked that we were given access to the Downton Gallery Walls.
I love me a good Gallery Wall.

And...I love the settees. We've seen Violet has a settee.
Isobel was proposed to while sitting on her settee. (What a lovely cinematography moment, btw. Isobel smiling being adored, while sitting on her settee next to her hat, framed by the natural light of her bay windows behind her).

And remember Lady Rosamund's Settee?

And of course...the iconic Knole Settee

{If you follow me on Instagram, you'll know every Sunday is #SETTEESUNDAY for me}! :)
*My third "Oh, NO" of the night was actually, "Oh, NO SHE DIDN'T", in reference to this Violet/Isobel interaction.
Countess Violet: Hope is a tease, designed to prevent us accepting reality.
Isobel: You only say that to sound clever
Countess Violet: I know, you should try it.
Despite their quips, Violet and Isobel are confidants. Girl friends, even, in their own "old bat" sort of way.
Super excited about next week!
Here's a preview!

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