What better way to kick off Commona-my house's first FREEBIE FRIDAY than with another Amy's designs! Amy Butler has been a favorite of mine since her first fabric collection came out several years ago. She pretty much owns (literally probably through copyright) the design term "MIDWEST MODERN". Her style is bright, fresh, fun. Many of her patterns remind me of funky 70s wrap around skirts my mom used to sport back in the day with her Pappagallo Espadrilles. But Butler adds a contemporary twist to her designs, using bold color choices. She sells everything from her core fabrics to a slew of products made with said fabric. Here comes the freebie, or I should say FREEBIEEEEES! She has quite a spectrum of FREE Patterns on her studio site...everything from quilt and duvet patterns to pillows to simple crafts and accessories. That I guess you wouldn't have to use her fabric to make, although after looking at a few of these quilts, I would LOVE to make one if I ever develop the patience to quilt. Check out her studio and tell me what your favorite pattern is!
Happy Free Friday to YOU!

FREE Amy Butler Studio Quilting, Sewing & Craft Patterns
Love love love Amy Butler! She has a fabric necklace pattern I need to make if I ever get my sewing room back in order. Great choice!