Sunday, March 3, 2013

Wanderlust Week


At this time of the year I start to get antsy. I start to think of Spring Breaks and Semester Abroads and Living Abroads past. I start to wish that I was walking on cobblestone streets or dipping my toes in sand.
I start to remember driving past waterbuffalo (my husband says they were OXEN...guess I had a blonde moment thinking they were waterbuffalo Correction again: HAHA! I WAS RIGHT THEY WERE WATERBUFFALO!!! ) eating seaweed near where we lived in Japan...and the color of the night sky in Siena...and those incredibly fun, long (cross-country) and short (crazy college) road trips that I've been blessed to experience throughout my life as a kid, student, real grown up, wife and now mom.
Since I'm not traveling anywhere distant anytime soon...
I thought I would incorporate far off places and most especially, MAPS into all of my posts this week.
There will be map DIYs and freebies, travel and distant decor influences and House Guest posts that incorporate my internal alarm that goes off when I'm in need of some far off short, my WANDERLUST.
No need to pack...I've brought everything we need. It should be a fun week. Keep popping in, be sure to become a member as well as 'like' the Commona-my House FB page, because just like when you travel there will be some fun surprises and a few souvenirs along the way.

quotes on travel


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    1. Hi and welcome, Lisa! Thanks so much for the complement...I'm so glad that you found me!! The tiny table thing is my new favorite trend. Those RH tables are amazing...but they are REALLY tiny. I think it is in reference to the lower arms on couches and chairs...side tables that are between 12 and 17" seem to be popping up everywhere. I just adore them. I'd love to see what you are going to do with them...brass or nickle? I've hopped on Pinterest and will be following several of your boards! Commona-my House has a pinterest board: and I put almost every post on the board so people can easily reference it. Keep coming back to visit here often, I'll be having a give away this week (I usually do at least one a month)! Can't wait to get to know you! THanks again for being my newest reader!

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